We can either ship your product as a Bare-Bone-Kit. Or we can build it for an extra 45$ Labor, No hourly charge and Install windows 7 for free for you. With all products that are brand new and over 250$ will be a 1 free year warranty, And you can also pick it up if you're near our Home Store Location. 4446 Eucalyptus way, Pinckney MI 48169, We also Do a delivery for an extra charge of 45$. All machines made by us will always come with a 1 time free repair, No fees or labor charge.
Please note that if you're buying a new machine there is a shipping fee. if you're not buying the "MONTHLY DEAL PACKAGE"... All other items do have a shipping fee, and will be well packaged for all costumers. If you're trying to to get a hold of our tech please call 734 664 8685, ask for Toney as well hes is the Owner of this great business.
We apply a half off for all new costumers who need a PC repair, even if it was not purchas
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